Cleaning with O for Millennialpreneurs
Together we grow Stronger
Cleaning with O for Millennialpreneurs
Cleaning with O for Milennialpreneurs is our project in supporting millennials' small-meidum enterprises in making their mark in the world as they embark on their post-PPKM comeback journey.
Event though we are a home and office cleaning solution company rooted with “おもてなし(omotenashi)" approach of providing cleaning services, our vision goes beyond that
We want to spark inspiration to the community through our services and groundbreaking ideas. One of which is through Cleaning with O for Millennialpreneurs.
Take a look at some of our previous Cleaning with O collaboration projects:
Other Collaboration Projects
Cleaning with O's Decluttering tips
Collaboration with
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See Our O’testimonials
Deep Bathroom Cleaning
“Karena banyak kerak2 bekas air panas yang nempel dan exhaus di langit-langit yang gapernah dibersihin, jadi request ke Cleaning with O adalah solusi yang tepat.” - DR
New House Cleaning
“Thank you Cleaning with O, hasilnya benar-benar maksimal. Ini standar kebersihan to the next level banget.” - KS
General Cleaning
“Cuma mau bilang puas banget, please pertahankan kualitasnya. Cleanernya oke banget, fokus, gesit, serius jalaninnya.” - EL
Deep Kitchen Cleaning
“Thank you Cleaning with O, I’m a happy customer. Cleanernya detail, bersihinnya menyeluruh, noda-noda membandel di dapur langsung hilang. Good attitude, recommended deh.” – SU
“Secara gw anaknya gratakan dan gaada skill buat beberes/nata barang rumah. Gw bahagia banget ada home cleaning company yang menggunakan approach japang yang udah pasti super rapih fungsional dan detail, supaya dirumah itu kita jadi ZEN dan lebih produktif.” - DA
“Tim mereka bener2 obsessive loh. Dari awal sampe rumah aja udah pada gatel, auto ngecek debu, nyapu, peralatan mereka juga lengkap!” - DA