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Our Obsession
We are hospitality driven home and office cleaning solution company
We are dedicated to provide you the best hospitality experience with "omotenashi" service to cater your personal needs

“The art of service from the heart”
Omotenashi is a selfless approach to hospitality, in which a perfect balance of attentiveness, sincerity and anticipative care in order to create an intimate environment of trust, relaxation and respect between those sharing the moment
Our O'Testimonials
“Secara gw anaknya gratakan dan gaada skill buat beberes/nata barang rumah. Gw bahagia banget ada home cleaning company yang menggunakan approach japang yang udah pasti super rapih fungsional dan detail, supaya dirumah itu kita jadi ZEN dan lebih produktif.”
- DA
“Tim mereka bener2 obsessive loh. Dari awal sampe rumah aja udah pada gatel, auto ngecek debu, nyapu, peralatan mereka juga lengkap!”
- DA
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